Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's a Rest Day

After two days of non-stop assignments, we finally have a rest day and that day is today. We don't have any homeworks to do like we used to do for the last two days and hell they are full of computations. What a hectic schedule. Not to mention our research that will be finish already after few more days. Since it is a rest day, I finally have the chance to put a post in my blog again which is what I am doing right now.

With few more days to come before Christmas...I feet that I have to work faster for our congress will be near and it is due next year exactly the month of January. But I don't want to talk about that now I need to rest after some "makasiraulong" assignments(hehehe). I will watch some series later so my mind will be relaxed or I'll finish reading a manga or the book of Dan Brown which is the Digital Fortress.

But wait...what is really the meaning of leisure or relax.

Leisure or free time, is a period of time spent out of work and essential domestic activity. It is also the period of recreational and discretionary time before or after compulsory activities such as eating and sleeping, going to work or running a business, attending school and doing homework, household chores, and day-to-day stress. The distinction between leisure and compulsory activities is loosely applied, i.e. people sometimes do work-oriented tasks for pleasure as well as for long-term utility.

For an experience to qualify as leisure, it must meet three criteria: 1) The experience is a state of mind. 2) It must be entered into voluntarily. 3) It must be intrinsically motivating of its own merit. (Neulinger, 1981)(from wikipedia)

It clearly states to relax or to have leisure is doing nothing or doing something that you like voluntarily. Resting lets your mind to rejuvenates and to free your mind and body from the stress you experienced. I do mind that all of living things in the world must have their own relaxation because if you like work and do some hard things for your whole'll be worn out and be left out with things that are in right now.

I usually don't know how to some article and posts so for this post I'll just do nothing(hehe)

-the end-